Friday 7 October 2011

and then it was gone!

Tomorrow's invasive topic - brazilian waxing, the ins & outs (don't excuse the pun, it was intended).

all details kept confidential

what's your number?

So there is a new movie out - What's Your Number, starring Anna Farris & Chris Evans. And it isn't - as the title suggests - about someone requesting someone's number, rather it refers to the number of people we've slept with.

So... errybody got a number don't they?
I'm not going to reveal my number - that's what you were waiting for really wasn't it? Sorry to dissapoint.

I'd have to say I'd not reveal my number to my partner, but then again I'm a deliciously jealous type, and so I'd probably rip the throats out of all previous partners, all 700 of them if that's what it took. tells us that the average man sleeps with 7 women in his lifetime - no statistic yet on whether he was thinking of the woman he was f*cking at the time.

This same daring little source tells us that 29% of men have had over 15 partners and 9% of women have had over 15 partners. I'd say that there are just more liars among us buxom mistresses. Honestly ask yourself the question, would you tell loverboy that you'd shagged more than 15 people? Yeah I thought so.

I'd go to say that maybe 10% of people have ever told another person their real number. Young men and women have needs, and sometimes a reliable f*ck buddy just isn't available to those of us who aren't in long term loving relationships.

How many of you have shared your number? Who with? Did you lie? What's an 'acceptable' number?

all details kept confidential

and finally she found the freedom to speak her mind...

This blog exists solely for the purpose to discuss my personal life so that it isn't my personal life. To discuss the questions nobody feels comfortable asking, and just topics in general about the saucy details of life. Why shouldn't we gain knowledge from other people's experiences just because they're "personal"? Well here come some of the most interesting topics between women this day and age... a few that have been on my mind lately include, how many people is too many to have slept with? Should you ever reveal the number of people you've slept with to your partner? Should you even go down that road? If you do, should you lie? And more importantly... are women embarrassed at having a low number of partners as much as a woman with a high number might be? Food for though. Get your teeth into that one.